

Your Mindset Is Your Number 1 Learned Skill

Life is like a thrilling adventure novel, and guess who’s the main character? That’s right – it’s you! You are the expert of your life. You hold the pen, composing a story as unique as your fingerprint. 

By far you have more knowledge about yourself than anyone else, no one has ever experienced what you have experienced, dreamed what you’ve dreamed, or faced the challenges in your way.

During difficult and stressful times, it is common to seek guidance from others to navigate tough situations. Asking for help is completely normal and there is nothing wrong with it. You may find support and guidance from friends, family, your partner, or a therapist, who would be happy to advise you on the decisions to make. 

However, don’t forget the most important guide – your inner voice. It’s like your personal compass, helping you navigate stormy seas.


So, what’s this mindset thing? 

Think of it as your thought vibe. Mindset is a particular way of thinking or a frame of mind made of your beliefs, attitude, passion, emotions, habits, and approaches to life are all down to mindset.

Let’s say you wake up with a negative mindset, feeling tired and unmotivated, and do nothing to challenge that belief. That will set the tone for the rest of your day, affecting your mood, productivity, and output. 

However, when you wake up with a positive mindset and aim to feel energized for the day, your thoughts can have a more powerful impact than you realize. 

Thus, remember your mindset is the single biggest asset you have – use it wisely!

The fact is Mindset goes way beyond Mind 

The Mind refers to aspects of intellect and consciousness manifested as a combination of thoughts, perception, memory and emotion.

Your conscious mind is your objective or thinking mind. It has no memory, and it can only hold one thought at a time. 

This is the awake, alert mind you use when you are busy and active. The conscious mind is objective, analytical, rational, critical and pragmatic. 

For instance, when a piece of new information enters the brain through any of the six senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, or feeling, the conscious mind takes in the information, analyses it, compares it with the information that has been stored in the memory and makes decisions.

Your Subconscious mind is like a powerhouse or a huge memory bank of your mind that drives 95% of your behavior.

It permanently stores everything that ever happens to you like your experiences, knowledge, decisions, ideas and thoughts. Its capacity is virtually unlimited.

You may have noticed that learning a new skill like riding a bicycle or playing a new musical instrument may be challenging at first, and it may require more focus and attention but as we become more skilled, these movements start to flow more naturally. These automatic movements are guided by the subconscious mind. 

To power your subconscious mind, you should feed your conscious mind with some good vibes. Positive thoughts, ideas, words, affirmations, and pictures, this information is directly passed on to the subconscious mind and begins to immediately affect the way you think about yourself – think of it like upgrading your mental software.

“Positive self-talk will change the quality of your life!”

Repeat positive words like

  • “I’m a genius”
  • “I am excellent at time management”
  • “I believe in myself”
  • “I have the power to achieve success”
  • “I am worthy of love and respect”

As you repeat these words your subconscious mind accepts your new command as your new reality. It then goes to work to make sure that everything you do, think, say or feel is consistent with the new mindset that you have programmed your subconscious mind with.

A few tips to help keep your mindset positive:

    1. Focus on the positives No matter how bad things might seem, try to look for the silver lining in each situation.

    1. Develop an “I can do it” attitude: believe that no matter what, you can figure out a way to get through and succeed.

    1. Set realistic goals: break challenges down into manageable chunks, set achievable goals along the way, and celebrate each success as it comes along.

    1. Look for inspiring role models: Connect with people who have a positive outlook on life and use them as motivation when times get tough.

    1. Surround yourself with positive people: Avoid negative people who bring your spirits down; instead, seek out friends and family who build up your self-confidence help bring out the best in you and add value to your energy.

Embracing risk and putting in effort comes from your mindset. Some people realize the value of challenging themselves and they want to put in the effort to learn and grow. 

Have you heard of the Growth Mindset?

Renowned Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck developed the theory of Growth Mindset. She determines that it’s not intelligence, talent or education that sets successful people apart. It’s their mindset or the way that they approach life’s challenges. 



The ability to learn from our mistakes is a trait of a growth mindset, it creates a powerful passion for learning but if you believe that you know it all and that your qualities are unchangeable is a trait of a fixed mindset.

“Why waste time proving over and over how great you are,” “when you could be getting better?” – Dr Carol Dweck

With a growth mindset, you know that failures don’t have to define you. Your failures are painful but temporary and something you can overcome. 

It is important to ask yourself “What did I learn from this experience? How can I use it as a basis for growth?”

To conclude, your mindset is how you think and approach the world around you. It can be positive or negative, fixed or growth-oriented, and it has a significant impact on your success in life. Your mindset may be the biggest asset you have in the world! For more information like this subscribe to our newsletter or contact us if your ready to make a change

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